
To show appreciation to employees for their dedication and contributions to the success of Mid.


Mid Employees (full-time, part-time, and adjunct instructors) and Edustaff employees appointed into positions of adjunct instructor or part-time, are recognized for their consecutive years of service in increments of 5 years (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc.)

The service increments of 5 years will be calculated on a calendar year basis (January 1 – December 31).

Recognition takes place during an Annual Awards event held the following calendar year in April.

(Example: Employee reaches ten (10) years of service on August 20, 2021, they will be recognized for their ten (10) years of service at the Annual Award event in April of 2022).

If an Edustaff employee transitions directly into a full-time Mid position, their years of service date will reflect the initial Edustaff appointed date.

If an employee separates employment from Mid or Edustaff and returns more than 30 calendar days from their separation date, their years of service date will reflect the most current hire date. Prior years will not be included.


  • Human Resources tracks all years of service for employees and Edustaff appointees.
  • Human Resources will be responsible for all aspects of the Annual Awards event.
  • Mid’s President will present award items to employees at the Annual Awards event.

[Last Reviewed May 31, 2024]