
To create consistency and clarity in the event of a degree completion which would increase an adjunct’s hourly rate to the next pay level.


Adjunct faculty members are paid based upon the semester course assignments. The Dean is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the assignments and the employee’s pay. Adjunct faculty do not report time worked or leave taken on a timesheet.

The adjunct pay scale is based on level of degree completion. In the event an adjunct instructor completes a degree that would constitute a pay increase to the next level they must provide Human Resources a copy of their official transcript. An official transcript must be received by Human Resources within 30 calendar days of the conferred degree date in order to process for the current semester. If the transcript is received within the 30 calendar days and the semester has already started the increased hourly rate will be pro-rated back to the start of the current semester.

If the official transcript is received 31 or more calendar days from the conferred date, the increased hourly rate will go into effect at the start of the semester following when Human Resources received the transcript.

If the adjunct is an Edustaff appointed adjunct instructor, Mid Human Resources will notify Edustaff of the increased hourly rate and it will be processed per the same guidelines as outlined above for Mid Adjuncts.

**Note** An official transcript is defined as being sent from the institution of degree completion directly to Mid’s HR office. This may be via mail or email through a secure system (i.e. Parchment, etc.).


  • Human Resources, upon receipt of the official transcript, will process a pay increase according to the policy outlined above.

[Last Reviewed May 31, 2024]