Mid's Fundamentals of Quality Control training is an 8-hour, activity-based training that teaches the differences between prevention and detection, and the use of statistical techniques to achieve product/process quality control.

Upcoming Trainings

Training Details

  • 8am - 4:30pm Tuesday, March 25
  • Mt. Pleasant Campus | Morey Technical Education Center
  • $325 per trainee and includes lunch

Register Today!

Learning Objectives

  • Quality Control Fundamentals
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Concept of Variation
  • Stability
  • Center vs Spread: Two Ways A Process Can Change
  • Statistical Techniques
    • Includes terminology, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, control charts, variables charts, attributes charts, process capability measures, and common and special cause variation.

Through a series of activities, case studies, and simulations, trainees will learn the
concept of stability and how to achieve it. Quality Assurance (QA) is a way of preventing
mistakes or defects in products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers.

Harrison Campus Technical Education Center
Mt. Pleasant Campus Morey Technical Education Center