Mid Mentors are committed to providing individualized support and academic advising services during your entire experience at Mid. Have a question? Need guidance on your next steps? Contact your Mid Mentor today!

We're available to help you how, when, and where it works best for you!

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 CONTINUING STUDENTS | Just Drop-In, No Appointment Necessary!

Putting Students First

At Mid, we care about your success and about you as an individual. That’s why we take a personalized approach, providing you with an ally and advocate from application through graduation. Your Mid Mentor is your single-point-of-contact, ready to help you every step of the way. Have questions? Reach out to your Mid Mentor anytime!

Connect with your Mid Mentor today!

Mid Mentor



Email jdcrawford@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 317-9207

Learn More About Judy

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

My favorite place on the Mt. Pleasant campus is my office. I love being able to look out the windows! Also, I have tried to make it very comfortable for myself and my visitors.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My favorite memory at Mid would have to be any time a student has a "Eureka!" moment - when they discover a passion for something, when they catch onto the best study method for them, when they experience the fulfillment of hard work when it pays off. I appreciate students sharing this moment with me. It's inspirational.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part of being a Mid Michigan College Laker is providing an authentic college experience to students yet being able to foster a one-on-one relationship with them. Mid is not so big that we can't recognize students when we see them on campus. And we aren't so small that we can't provide all the benefits a bigger college has. We are just right!.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose & why?

My superpower would be time travel. I would enjoy being able to experience firsthand many of the time periods I've read about.

Which skill would you love to learn?

I would love to be fluent in Spanish. Me encantaria ser fluida en espanol. ["espanol" should have the wiggly accent over "n"] I've been taking classes, using flashcards, utilizing Babbel, journaling, and practicing!

If you had to choose your last meal, what would it be?

Fried chicken, corn on the cob, fried okra, my grandma's green beans, peach cobbler, and a Coca-Cola with lemon.

Mid Mentor

mentor-mid-michigan-tena.jpgEmail tdiamond@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 317-9208

Learn More About Tena

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

My favorite place on Harrison Campus is out doors. There are walking and biking trails for student and community use. Sitting in library by the large windows and watching the wildlife. It is very relaxing any time of the year. My favorite place on the Mt. Pleasant Campus is the Atrium. The space is open and has an abundance of sunlight. There are always students interacting – it is a great place to meet other people and study.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

I have many favorite memories at Mid, but if I had to choose, the memory would be having a student come and get me from my desk to meet her parents. She was the first in her family to attend college, had finished her program, and was picking up her cap and gown for commencement. She introduced me to her parents as the person who assisted her with her education by keeping her from walking out the door her first day. Knowing that I helped her achieve her educational goals meant the world to me.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part of being a Laker is the Mid community. I have enjoyed Mid as a student who graduated and as an employee. I appreciate being part of an organization that assists student in overcoming obstacles, making the most of their college experience, and achieving their goals.

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

I did not have toys, my siblings and I made memories together. We had fun playing in the sprinkler, with a blanket over the clothes line for a tent, making forts, spying on each other, going to the park, riding bikes, or sitting and talking to each other.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would go on a motorcycle trip across the Mackinaw Bridge and the International Bridge through Canada, back down through Washington State and across the United States to Maine. Visiting our children who live in Indiana and Michigan. They did live all over the country, but most of the 10 moved home to Michigan.

What is your favorite family vacation?

My favorite family vacation was going camping. We loaded up all of the camping gear and took several additional trips for the bikes and canoes. In the past all six of our own children and at least that many more of their friends enjoyed many camping trips to Trout Lake in Gladwin.

Mid Mentor



Email ewittig@midmich.edu

Phone (989) 317-9210

Learn More about Eric

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

My favorite place on campus is the Math Lab. I know this sounds crazy; however, I taught math at Mid for 15 years, and this place holds a special place in my heart.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My favorite memories at Mid include faculty, staff, and students. Everyone is always smiling and happy to be part of the traditions at Mid. The students seem to engage with faculty and staff with a sense of accomplishment, and as a staff and faculty member, I experience this first hand each and every day.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part of being a Laker is seeing the College expand to offer a wide variety of programs and pathways and the recent renovations of the Harrison campus. I am excited to see what the future holds for the Lakers.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?

The nerdiest thing I do in my spare time is play video games. To be able to immerse yourself in a science fiction fantasy world and meet friends along the way, who wouldn't want to do that?

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?

Growing up, my favorite television show was SeaQuest DSV. I love the science fiction aspect, marine biology, and exploration. And who doesn't love the original shark hunter Roy Scheider from Jaws?

What is your favorite family vacation?

My favorite family vacation has to be our trip to Florida. It was my first time on vacation with my significant other and our child. To see my daughter, Addison's face light up, was a priceless moment!

Mid Mentor Coreena YatesMid Mentor

Email cyates@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 317-9219
(989) 444-5405

Learn More About Coreena...

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

My favorite places on either campus are the common areas because they are often busy with students who are making new connections, working on projects, or socializing with friends.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My favorite memory at Mid so far was returning to complete my degree and being able to graduate in the same ceremony as my little sister. Being a lot older than her, we haven’t always been able to share experiences in the same way or at the same time. Mid gave us the foundation to create a unique memory together.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part about being a Laker is being surrounded by people who want to see you succeed. Whether it be academically, professionally, or personally, there is always someone in your corner cheering you on.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

If I could visit anywhere in the world, I would most definitely go to Scotland. As someone with a lot of Scottish heritage, I would love to experience the culture and explore the places where my ancestors once lived.

What is your favorite sport to watch or play?

My favorite sport to watch with my family is football…Go Lions! I also love watching my daughter play volleyball and look forward to seeing where it takes her after high school.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose & why?

If I could have any superpower, I would want the ability to teleport myself and anyone/anything touching me. This superpower would allow me to see family and close friends who live all over the world and also save tons on travel!

Success Coach


Email abmayfield@midmich.edu

Phone (989) 317-9212

Text (989) 644-9400

Learn more about Austin

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

I have not been on the Harrison campus enough to have a favorite place there but at the Mount Pleasant campus I really like the Library and Learning Services area. It is a great resource for the students and the set up is very nice.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My favorite memory at Mid is going to the National tournament with the women’s basketball team last season. The community showed tremendous support and that experience was really cool to be able to represent Mid Michigan College at the national level.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

Being a Laker is an experience like none other. The sense of togetherness in the community is unmatched in all areas. Mid is a great place to be and the people around here are so helpful and inviting. Mid is a small but close knit community and I feel at home when I am at Mid Michigan College.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose & why?

Invisibility because I would be able to go wherever I wanted without any issues.

What is your favorite sport to watch or play?


If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Dominican Republic because I am fascinated by the culture there and the weather is beautiful!

Dan Maloney - Mid MentorMid Mentor

Email dmmaloney@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 773-6622 x252

Learn More About Dan

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

I love the Harrison Campus Trails because those outdoor spaces give students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My favorite memory so far has been my first day on the job because everyone was so welcoming.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part of being a Laker is the sense of community you get when you walk onto campus.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose & why?

My superpower would be time travel. I would enjoy being able to experience firsthand many of the time periods I've read about.

Which skill would you love to learn?

Playing the guitar.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose & why?

Flight, I would save money on travel costs. lemon.

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?

Barnes and Noble.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Ireland to see where my ancestors lived.

Mentor Brent HolbrookMid Mentor

Email bholbrook@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 773-6622 x232

Learn More About Brent...

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

I love all the healthcare learning spaces because my background is in healthcare and I've also taught Medical Assisting as an adjunct instructor, so these spaces are nostalgic to me, they are my peanut butter and (grape) jelly.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

Before I became a Mentor, I was a work-study under the tutelage of Tammy Alvaro, Mid's Director of Student Life & Veteran Resources. All of my favorite memories can be attributed to helping students and being part of student life while working for Tammy. This is especially true for Mid's military veteran students, as I also am a veteran. I served in the US Navy on Active Duty from 2010-2015 as a Hospital Corpsman (Medic).

What is the best part about being a Laker?

I love being part of the community here at Mid. It truly is the best thing about us as a college, both as a former student and now as a full-time staff member. When I came here for the first time, I already had my bachelor's degree. So when I walked in it felt like I was going backwards in a way, but not a single person made me feel like I didn't belong here. The mentors met me where I was and helped me the best way they could, and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Now that I'm a full-time mentor here myself, I can't wait to pay it forward.

If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?

A dog obviously. What a life it would be to sleep whenever I wanted, play whenever I wanted, and run around being a general goofball. I can't do that as a human! (Well, at least not without being stared and laughed at!)

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

A few years ago, I did an Ancestry DNA test to see where exactly I'm from. It was as expected, but what it really did was solidify my future travel plans. So I would love to go on a European tour starting in Iceland and moving eastward into Ireland, Scotland, England, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 

What are you a "closet" fan of?

I am a fan of the Twilight book series (and movies) by Stephanie Meyer, I'm a huge Disney/Pixar fan, and I'm also a fan of Harry Potter, GO GRYFFINDOR!

Breanna Johnson - Mid MentorMid Mentor for Dual Enrolled High School Students

Email bjohnson4@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 386-6622 x233









Kasey Olivares - Mid MentorMid Mentor for Dual Enrolled High School Students

Email kolivares@midmich.edu
Phone (989) 773-6622 x236









Director of Mentoring


Email kmsellers@midmich.edu

Phone (989) 317-9209

Learn More about Kati

What is your favorite place on our campuses & why?

My favorite place on campus is the area just outside the entrance to the Center for Student Services and the Doan building. I love that there is seating in this area and all the plants and shrubs. It is a relaxing little area to pass through on your way into the building and out at the end of the day.

What is your favorite memory at Mid?

My first week at Mid was a spirit week promoting our basketball teams. There was so much pride exhibited by staff and students at Mid, it made me feel much better about the major change I had just made in moving to the world of higher education.

What is the best part about being a Laker?

The best part of being a Laker is the sense of community you feel at Mid. I was a student at Mid following my Bachelor's degree and felt much more sense of community at Mid than I did at my Bachelor's institution. We are a small enough school that we get to know each other and build relationships. I know the students I work with. I know more than their name and program of study. I know what is going on in their personal lives and have the opportunity to see them in the halls and follow up.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose and why?

I would choose teleportation as my one superpower. I would never have to waste time traveling in the car again.

If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?

I choose to wake up as my Chocolate Lab, Rosco. He has the house to himself five days a week!

Prepare for your appointment!

  • Apply for admission
  • Set up myMid and email account
  • Provide transcripts from high school and any other colleges you've attended
  • Complete Placement Testing
  • Complete Orientation
  • Consider how you'll pay for college. Explore the Financial Aid website for more information.

First-Time Freshman should bring

Returning Students should bring

  • A list of desired courses
  • An idea of what you would like to accomplish in the appointment

Transfer Students should bring

  • Provide transcripts from all previously attended colleges or university
    (unofficial copies are okay)

Frequently Asked Questions

First-time students to Mid are required to complete Orientation before meeting with their Mentor and registering for courses.

Please visit Orientation for more information and to sign up for a session.

We encourage you to meet with your Mid Mentor at least once each semester.

Once students have completed 3 credits at Mid, they may register for courses on their own through Self-Service.

Students on academic probation, having excessive credits without completing a degree, or those experiencing financial aid problems may be required to meet with a Mentor.

Once you have determined your Program or Pathway, you will want to look through our College Catalog for a full description of courses. You and your Mid Mentor will start this process during your appointment.

GPA is an acronym for Grade Point Average.

GPA is a snapshot of your academic performance. It is determined by dividing the sum of grade points by the number of credit hours. On a standard scale A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0.

Your transcript will display two separate GPA's - a semester GPA and a cumulative GPA. Your semester GPA reflects an average for one semester of coursework. Your cumulative GPA reflects your average for your entire academic career at that institution.

You can view your transcript, GPA, and other relevant information online via Self-Service.

The quickest way to improve your GPA is to repeat courses with low grades (such as F or D). 

Visit our Financial Aid site for information about paying for college.

If you have experience or skills gained through non-traditional sources such as work or life experience, you may request that these skills be evaluated for credit.

File a Non-Traditional Credit Application to get started. If credit is granted, a $20 per credit hour fee will be charged at the time the non-traditional credit is accepted and recorded.

AP courses are typically classes offered through high schools that have academic rigor similar to college-level courses as determined by the College Board (the regulators of CLEP). At the end of the class, students have the option to pay a fee to take the AP test. If a student passes the test with a score of 3 or better and has verification sent to their school of choice, most schools (including Mid) will award the student credit for that class. However, a student doesn't need to complete an AP course before completing the AP test. This helps ensure that homeschooled students are eligible as well.

CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. AP stands for Advanced Placement. Both programs are regulated by the College Board. If you feel that you have sufficient competency in an area to pass a college-level examination in that subject, you may schedule a CLEP exam at an approved testing center; the closest is CMU. If you pass with an acceptable score and have verification sent to Mid, we will award you credit for that subject.

Mid has Articulation Agreements with some high schools and technical centers around the area which allow you to earn college credit if you've completed the course with a satisfactory grade. Welding, Intro to Early Childhood Education, and Medical Terminology are just a few examples of classes that may have articulation options. Upon completing the class, fill out a Mid High School & Technical Center Articulation Application , supply the required documentation, and your request will be reviewed.

Mid does offer in-house competency examinations for some of our key, entry-level courses. If a course such as keyboarding is required for your degree, you can test for credit. There is a fee for this type of test. If the course isn't required for your degree, but is a prerequisite to a course that you need to complete for your degree, you can test out for competency. There is no fee for this type of test.

Contact Library & Learning Services (LLS) on either campus to schedule an exam.

Satisfactory Academic Progress, or SAP, is maintaining a GPA of 2.0 or higher and successfully completing at least 67% of the courses you attempt. If you do not demonstrate satisfactory academic progress toward graduation as determined by attempted credit hours and grade point average, you may be placed on academic probation. Any GPA of 1.99 or below will qualify you for probation or dismissal.

More details on these policies are outlined in the College Catalog. You'll need to complete the Academic Probation/Dismissal form each semester that you register while on probation. Be aware that financial aid probation is a separate topic.

If you'd like more information on financial aid probation, visit Financial Aid. If you have questions about SAP, contact your Mid Mentor.

You are expected to take the required courses prescribed by your program of study. However, every once in a while special circumstances do exist that necessitate a substitution. If you believe you have valid circumstances with a clear rationale for substitution, you should file a Waiver/Substitution form with the assistance of your faculty or program advisor.

Visit our web page dedicated to Graduation.


Mid Mentors

Harrison Campus

  • Room 104

Mt. Pleasant Campus

  • CSS 142