Mid Receives Sixty By 30 Grant to Support Student Success

Mid Michigan College has received a significant grant from Michigan’s Sixty by 30 Initiative. This initiative aims to help 60% of adults earn a college degree or credential by 2030. This grant aims to remove barriers and enhance resources to support student success.

The Barrier Removal Grant totals $109,494 and will be used to scale up efforts already begun on campus, including the purchase of additional internet hotspot devices that students can check out from Library & Learning Services.

“This grant will also allow us to provide gas cards and bus passes to students as well,” said Amy Campbell, Director of Student Counseling & Wellness at Mid. “Students run into transportation issues often, and we don’t want these issues to be why they have to miss class.”

Students can learn more about available transportation resources on Mid's website.

The grant will also provide additional funding for Mid’s Campus Cupboard Food Pantry and Student Snack Stations.

 A recent survey of Mid students showed that 49% of students were food insecure.

“Students can grab a free snack at stations located on each campus and can order up to fifteen items each week from the Campus Cupboard to help them avoid being hungry at home,” shared Campbell.

With additional funding from the Barrier Removal Grant, Mid’s Student Emergency Fund will also be able to help more students. This fund provides one-time grants to help students cover the costs of unexpected emergency needs that would otherwise prevent them from completing their coursework at Mid.

“The Barrier Removal Grant is an incredible opportunity for us to widen the reach of our current efforts and help more Mid students – it’s a game changer,” said Campbell. “Our students are living real lives with real challenges, and we’re excited to be able to help more of them.”