Never Dual Enrolled? Here's How To Get Started.
STEP 1 | Review the Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Handbook, which contains helpful academic, student service-related, and other information that supports your success.
STEP 2 | Apply to Mid. Create an account to begin your application, and on the first question, make sure you select that you'll be a high school student.
STEP 3 | Review your welcome packet.
STEP 4 | Discuss your options and complete the Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Registration Form with your high school counselor or Mid Mentor. If available, try to attend an advising event or view course information using the Self-Service course search tool.
STEP 5 | Participate in the Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Orientation in Moodle.
Dual Enrollees at Mid are entitled to all of our services.
Student Accommodation Services
Harrison Campus
Room 104
Mt. Pleasant Campus
CSS 142