404 | Professional Development System

The College shall deliver to employees a professional development program that aligns with organizational mission, strategic goals, and operational needs.

404.01 Administrator Educational Benefits

Mid Michigan College provides educational benefits to administrative employees to encourage and support the development of their knowledge and skills.

The President must approve any requests for variations from educational benefit policies and procedures.

Completion of a degree by an administrator at the expense of the College may require a commitment to the College for a specified number of years.


404.01.01 Mid Michigan College Classes for Credit

Administrative employees are welcome to enroll in courses provided by the college. The College’s tuition costs and fees for up to six credit hours per semester shall be covered, provided the course is completed with a satisfactory grade (2.0 or better). Employees who fail to complete the class with a 2.0 GPA will be required to reimburse the College for all costs of his/her enrollment. Tuition grants for employees will include all fees except for the Student Activities Fee. In the event an employee elects to enroll in a travel course under the tuition grant program, the College shall pay tuition credit hour cost only. The cost of travel, lodging, meals and other expenses shall be the responsibility of the employee.


404.01.02 Family Tuition Grants

Mid Michigan College provides tuition grants for the full-time administrator’s spouse and/or IRS dependent children. Such tuition grants are capped at a maximum of 62 credit hours. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or the tuition grant will be rescinded for subsequent semesters until a 2.0 cumulative grade point average is re-established. Award of a Family Tuition Grant does not preclude the award of other scholarships for which the student might be eligible. Family Tuition Grants shall include tuition and all fees except for the Student Activities Fee.

The State of Michigan's Activity Classification Structure and the Community College Accounting Manual will determine whether the tuition benefits are calculated at the in- or out-of-district rate. This policy is not intended to modify tuition benefits identified in any collective bargaining agreements existing between the Board of Trustees and various employee groups.


404.01.03 Classes From Another Institution

Active full-time employees are eligible for reimbursement for satisfactorily completed college accredited courses that are directly related to their present position or that will enhance the employee’s potential for advancement within the organization.


Eligible administrators who have completed one (1) year of full-time service with the College are eligible for educational assistance. The College will honor the service of part-time employees who subsequently assume a full-time administrative position provided that the employee has worked a minimum of 2,080 hours prior to enrollment in the course. The most recent hire date will determine eligibility for employees who have had a break in service. Employees who are on a leave of absence are not eligible for educational reimbursement. Administrators must maintain their eligibility status throughout the duration of the course(s) for which reimbursement is requested.

An approved course is one that is beneficial to the institution and relates to the administrator’s present position or a position that could be reasonably obtained at the College. Unrelated courses are not covered unless they are a requirement of an approved degree program related to employment with Mid Michigan College. The College reserves the right to define which courses this program covers and to deny educational assistance for unacceptable courses.

Workshops, seminars, certifications, continuing education credit (CEUs), and community education classes are not covered by this policy.


The College will reimburse eligible employees for tuition costs, up to $3,000.00 per calendar year for undergraduate coursework, $4,000.00 per calendar year for master degree level coursework, and $5,250.00 for doctoral degree level coursework. The per credit hour rate of tuition reimbursement is based on the actual cost of tuition or the average of CMU, SVSU, Ferris State and Michigan State, whichever is lower. Student fees (i.e. registration, student activity, technology, and laboratory fees), books, equipment, supplies, and travel expenses are not covered under this program.

Employees receiving educational assistance from any other source must report the source and amount received to the Human Resources Department. Grant monies and/or scholarships will offset reimbursement from this program so that the total amount of assistance from all sources does not exceed the cost of the course(s).

To be eligible for reimbursement, a passing grade of at least a “C” or “credit” for credit/non-credit coursework is required. The maximum annual amount to be reimbursed will be determined by the date the course is completed and the employee’s employment status at the time the course is completed. All grades must be turned in to Human Resources within sixty (60) days of course completion in order to receive reimbursement. Employees seeking reimbursement for doctoral dissertation credits may submit a confirmation of academic progress from their dissertation chair in lieu of grades.

Administrators who receive educational assistance are obligated to continue their employment with the College for one calendar year following completion of the course(s) or to repay 1/12th of the amount reimbursed for each month short of the required year of service. Any monies owed will be deducted from the employee’s last paycheck and/or benefit accrual cash out.

Taking Class during Regular Work Hours

Administrators are expected to schedule class before or after their regular workday. In cases where course scheduling makes it necessary for an administrator to take a class during regular work hours, with supervisor approval the administrator may take the class provided use of allocated personal or vacation time to cover the time lost for class attendance. Any deviations from this policy must be approved by the College President.

[LAST APPROVED October 2021]

404.01.04 Courses for Professional Development

Administrators, whether full-time or part-time, will not be required to make up time for courses or portions of courses taken at Mid Michigan College during the regular work day under the following conditions:

A. The course is assigned by the appropriate supervisor for the specific purpose of professional development. Rationale shall be provided relative to the skills/knowledge to be acquired and how the skills/knowledge relate to improved job performance.

B. Should the course be offered outside the regular workday, release time can be granted if agreed to by both the supervisor and the employee.

C. The course is not part of an approved associate degree program for that individual and is not taken for credit.

D. Prior approval is secured from the Associate Vice President of Human Resources based upon meeting the above conditions.

 [LAST APPROVED June 2018]