403 | College Administration

403.01 Administrator Definition

All College personnel employed on a full- or part-time basis with a fiscal year contract specifying administrative or managerial duties as principal job responsibilities and receiving an annual salary shall be classified as administrators and shall perform, thereby, under the administrative policies set forth below. Administrative appointments are at-will and are made on annual appointments that run concurrently with the fiscal year. Other employees are covered by contracts and/or handbooks with corresponding limitations or expansions of benefits and requirements appropriate to their organizational groupings.


403.02 Administrative Grievance Procedure

The College expects administrators to act collaboratively and respectfully in advancing the mission of the College. It encourages employees to resolve differences at the lowest possible level.

When differences cannot be resolved between employees or when a dispute between an administrative employee and the College arises, the College provides the grievance procedure set forth below and detailed in the Employee Handbook.

This procedure is applicable to any grievance by any administrative employee of the College. A "grievance" is any dispute arising from employment or termination of employment. It includes, but is not limited to, any dispute arising under this policy manual and any dispute involving alleged discrimination or harassment.

It is the responsibility of the employee to initiate the grievance procedure in writing to the Human Resources department within five (5) working days of the incident. A Human Resources representative is available to assist employees throughout this process as requested. The Human Resources Department cannot resolve disputes but can provide guidance, explain policies, and assist in the processing of the grievance procedure.

[LAST APPROVED October 2021]

403.03 Involvement in Outside Organizations and Boards

The Board of Trustees supports administrator involvement in organizations or boards outside the College or regular job duties when such activity has a demonstrable benefit to the College, when an appropriate approval process is in place, and when participation does not interfere with the full performance of the administrator’s job assignment.


403.04 Teaching Responsibilities

Teaching responsibilities may be assigned to any administrator upon the recommendation of the appropriate instructional administrator and with the approval of the administrator’s supervisor. Also, any administrator may request supplemental teaching. This request must be approved by the administrator’s supervisor and the instructional administrator responsible for the discipline area being taught.