407 | Leave of Absence

The President may grant an administrator leave for any activity which affords additional compensation, not as a part of the administrator’s area of responsibility, which will continue on a regular basis for more than one day during the time considered to be a part of the normal working day at the College. Such leave can be granted only after the administrator has completed two years of continuous employment. The President shall determine the method by which the administrator will compensate for lost time.

407.01 Family Medical Leave

Employees who have been employed by Mid Michigan College for at least twelve (12) months, and have worked a minimum of 1250 hours during the preceding twelve (12) month period are eligible for a Family and Medical Leave.

Employees may apply for a leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and be entitled to a leave of up to total of twelve (12) work weeks during any twelve (12) month period of time. The twelve (12) month period is calculated from the date an employee first uses the Family and Medical Leave.

Employees may apply for the Family and Medical Leave for the following reasons:

  1. For the birth of a son or daughter, and to bond with the newborn child;
  2. For the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care, and to bond with that child;
  3. To care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent-but not a parent “in-law”) with a serious health condition;
  4. To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition; or
  5. For qualifying exigencies arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on covered active duty or on call to covered active duty status as a member of the National Guard, Reserves, or Regular Armed Forces.

Concurrent with FMLA, the College requires that an employee will use any leave time (i.e. Sick, Vacation, Personal, Comp) while on FMLA leave. Once all leave time is used, the remaining FML will be unpaid.


407.02 Jury and Witness Leave

Jury and witness leave recognizes the employees’ civic responsibility and ensures that administrative employees will not sustain a loss of their regular compensation or fringe benefits when involuntarily summoned to serve as a juror or witness on behalf of the college. Employees will continue to earn regular salary and fringe benefits for time spent on official court business that prevents the employee from working as scheduled. The employee will, with the exception of money allocated as travel expense, reimburse the College for any revenue received from such duty.


407.03 Military Leave

Employees who actively serve in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, National Guard or Reserves, shall be granted military leave consistent with State and Federal Laws under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

Employees in the Uniformed Services who receive official government orders for trainings and/or active duty during their regularly assigned work year, will be paid the difference between their straight time daily rate (to include shift differentials) at the College (based on an 8 hour workday) and their Basic Pay earned for the period of duty. The differential pay will be paid for leave up to 52 consecutive weeks. If the military pay is greater than the employee’s regular pay from the College, no differential pay is due to the employee.

Dependent tuition benefit shall continue for any eligible dependents during the time the employee is assigned to military leave.

Military leave covers any unpaid period up to the length of training, enlistment or conscription. The College will comply with the requirements of USERRA for the granting of certain benefits during a military leave of absence.

Employees who serve in the military Reserve or National Guard will be allowed to access their vacation and personal leave time or take time without pay when serving on duty.

Employees are required to provide a copy of their Leave and Earning Statement (LES) to the Human Resources Office at the completion of their training. The differential pay amount will be processed and paid with the next available payroll.


407.04 Personal Leave

Three personal days of leave per fiscal year will be granted to each administrator without providing any reason and/or obtaining prior approval. All other paid nonworking days caused by personal business, family illness not covered under the provisions of the FMLA, or bereavement, will be determined after consultation with the employee and approval of the Divisional Vice President, and/or President of the College.


407.05 Sabbatical Leave

Administrative employees who have a minimum of five (5) years of full-time employment are eligible for a sabbatical leave upon written request and approval of the President and Board of Trustees. The duration, compensation and future employment and other considerations shall be determined at the time of the request.


407.06 Sick Time

Full-time administrative employees shall accrue one work day each month for use to cover personal sick time or the provisions outlined in the FMLA. Administrative employees can accumulate sick hours up to a maximum of 2080 hours, (260 days), based on their hire date. In the year closing when an administrator’s accumulated sick leave would have exceeded 2080 hours the administrator will be compensated for hours in excess of 2080 earned that year according to the schedule identified in the Retirement Incentive policy. The pay for excess hours will be at the salary rate the administrator was receiving when the 2080 limit was exceeded.


407.07 Vacation Days

Working days are assigned to each administrator as vacation days for each full fiscal year of employment as follows:

Years of Service

Assigned Vacation Days

0 - 5 YEARS


6 - 10 YEARS


11 - 15 YEARS


16 - 20 YEARS


21 - 25 YEARS


26 - 30 YEARS


If a full year of employment is not completed, the number of vacation days is reduced in proportion to the number of days worked. If more vacation days have been used than earned, necessary financial adjustment will be made prior to the issuance of the final pay check at the time of separation.

Working days shall be defined as all days except those celebrated as New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and all Saturdays and Sundays. Other vacation days or part-days may be designated by the Office of the President.

In the event a staff member has not chosen or has been unable to use all assigned vacation days, no more than ten (10) days shall be carried over until December 31, at which time all remaining unused vacation days for the previous fiscal year shall be canceled. However, with the approval of the appropriate supervisor and the President, January/July carry-over days can be increased. All extra carry-over days must be used by December 31 of that year. Reasons for carry-over exceptions may be personal or educational. No vacation days shall be granted prior to the fiscal year in which they are earned.

All administrator vacation requests must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor and submitted to the payroll department. Every effort shall be made to obtain approval for vacation leave thirty (30) days in advance unless the leave will be less than six (6) days in duration. Priority shall be given to the first requests submitted. Every effort shall be made to avoid overlapping vacations that would in any way disrupt the operation of the College. Vacation requests for more than four consecutive weeks must be cleared through the President's office at least sixty (60) days in advance.

If employment at the College is terminated, unused earned vacation days in accord with all policies that pertain shall be counted as days of employment and shall be reimbursed accordingly by the College.

Any variation in the vacation policy must be approved by the President.


407.08 Bereavement

The Administrator may be granted a maximum of five (5) days paid leave due to the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members shall be interpreted as spouse, cohabiter, mother, father, brother, sister, a child of the employee/spouse/cohabiter, grandchild, father-mother-brother-sister-son-or daughter-in-laws, and grandparents.

Upon approval of the immediate supervisor, the employee may take one (1) paid day per death to attend the funeral of a close personal friend or loved one.

Funeral or bereavement leave is not an accrued benefit, and time is not earned or accumulated. Absence for bereavement beyond the allowance specified above shall be considered personal or vacation leave.