Mid's Career Center can help you prepare to enter the job market. We can help with your resume creation, cover-letter writing, finding appropriate job opportunities, and preparing for your interviews.


Focus 2 is an online, interactive, self-guided career and planning process to assist you in making positive decisions about your future career goals, education plans, & how to achieve them.


It will enable you to self-assess your career relevant personal qualities and explore career fields and major areas of study that are most compatible with your assessment results. Students who use FOCUS 2 make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to self-manage their careers.

Use FOCUS 2 to help you choose or change your program of study and also to verify your preferences or early choice of a career field.

To get started on Focus 2

  • Returning users log in (using the account you have already created)

Use Focus 2 to

  • Assess your career planning readiness, work interests, values, skills, personality type and leisure time interests.
  • Broaden your career options and discover occupations matching your personal preferences and attributes.
  • Decide which career fields, majors, and training programs are best for you.
  • Plan the career and educational pathways that will support your goals and personal needs.

After completion of your Focus 2 assessment, please make an appointment with your Career Coordinator to review the results.

Additional Career Exploration Tools

Informational interviews

An informational interview is a brief meeting with someone in a profession or an organization you want to explore. They can be extremely valuable!

Note: An informational interview is NOT an interview in which you seek a job.

Learn more about setting up this type of information-gathering meeting below.

An Informational Interview Allows You to do the Following

  • Explore a specific industry, field, organization and/or position. Assess whether it's a good fit for your skills, personality, and career goals.
  • If you already know the field or organization is a good fit for you, do an informational interview to network and gather more information about that field/organization.
  • Observe and get a feel for different work environments.
  • Connect with professionals who may have tips about future job or internship opportunities.
  • Develop the social skills you'll need in professional interactions.

Contact Career Services to help you set up and prepare for informational interviews.

Career Center

Harrison Campus

  • Room 106

Mt. Pleasant Campus

  • Doan 109