The Board of Trustees shall select and appoint a President of Mid Michigan College. When it becomes necessary to appoint a new President for the College, the Board of Trustees shall organize the search process using professional services or stakeholder advisory groups as they deem necessary. The final selection and appointment of a new President for the College rests with the Board of Trustees.
The President sets the ethical tone for the College and serves as the primary liaison and communication channel between the College and the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees and the President shall endeavor to maintain mutual trust, confidence, and understanding between the Board and the President.
The President shall administer the affairs of the College in accordance with the policies of the Board of Trustees, the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education, and the laws of the State of Michigan. The President shall ensure the development of administrative principles and procedures for implementing Board decisions and to ensure alignment with the mission and goals of the College.
The President may delegate responsibilities to the staff's discretion, using good management practices and ensuring appropriate oversight. (See current delegation roster as appended.) If the President is to be absent for a significant period, a senior administrator shall be named by the President or the Chair of the Board to ensure the smooth functioning of the College.
Only decisions of the Board, acting as a body, are binding upon the President. Decisions or instructions of individual Board members, officers or committees are not binding on the President except in rare instances when the Board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority.
[LAST APPROVED October 2021]