For more than 50 years, Mid Michigan College has provided high-quality, specialized career training and transfer programs that lead to bachelors degrees and beyond. From the courses it offers to high school CTE, dual enrolled, and early-college students, to our certificate and associate degree programs, to short-term and customized work-place training, Mid is helping to build Michigan’s talent pipeline.
Mid has a special responsibility to workforce development in our community. The counties we serve have median household incomes well below the Michigan average. Despite the high poverty rates and low household income in our service area, Mid relies on student support from tuition and fees for 72% of its operating budget, more than any other community college in Michigan.
Compared to the other 28 community colleges in the state, Mid...
This funding model creates significant challenges for Mid, especially in regards to moving forward with future plans for campus improvement and program expansion.
We choose to take an optimistic approach and still develop these plans, investing in future developments and growth.
Mid—$7,440 (in-district)
Mid—$12,524 (out-district)
Ferris State University—$25,172
Central Michigan University—$25,854
Michigan State University—$29,884
Figures may vary and include tuition only-not fees. Data current as of AUG 2017. Contact each institution for updated figures.