Pregnancy & Parental Policy Statement

Mid Michigan College (Mid) is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the bases of sex. The College will not discriminate against any student or employee or exclude any student or employee from its educational programs, work, or activities (including any class or extracurricular activity) on the basis of such individual’s actual or potential parental, family, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom. Mid will comply with all applicable rules related to pregnancy and related conditions, such as the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Providing Urgent Maternal Protections from Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act), the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Mid prohibits members of the college community from adopting or implementing any policy, practice, or procedure which treats an applicant for admission, student, applicant for employment, or employee differently on the basis of current, potential, or past parental, family, or marital status and outlines the below protections.


  • Familial Status | The configuration of one’s family or one’s role in a family.
  • Marital Status | The state of being married or unmarried.
  • Parental Status | The status of a person who, with respect to another person who is under the age of 18, is a biological, adoptive, foster, or stepparent; a legal custodian or guardian; in loco parentis with respect to such a person; or actively seeking legal custody, guardianship, visitation, or adoption of such a person.
  • Pregnancy and Related Conditions | The full spectrum of processes and events connected with pregnancy, including pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; related medical conditions; and recovery therefrom.
  • Reasonable Modifications | Individualized modifications to the college’s policies, practices, or procedures that do not fundamentally alter the college’s education program, activity, or cause an undue hardship.

Reasonable Modifications

Any employee or applicant for employment seeking reasonable modifications due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related condition should contact Human Resources to discuss appropriate and available reasonable modifications based on their individual needs. Upon receipt of a request for a modification, Human Resources, in collaboration with the employee’s department, will engage in the interactive process with the employee in good faith in order to determine what, if any, reasonable modifications can be provided without undue hardship. Depending on the nature of the modification, a statement from a healthcare provider may be required to allow the College to determine the precise nature and extent of the employee's restriction and to assess potential reasonable modifications.

While the reasonableness of each modification request under this policy will be individually assessed, possible modifications may include but are not limited to, allowing the individual

  • Changes in physical space or supplies (for example, access to a larger desk or a footrest)
  • Sit or stand while working
  • Receive closer-in parking
  • Have flexible hours
  • Receive appropriately sized uniforms and safety apparel
  • Receive additional break time to use the bathroom, eat and rest
  • Take time off to recover from childbirth
  • Be excused from strenuous activities and/or activities that involve exposure to compounds deemed unsafe during pregnancy

Examples of Reasonable Modifications

Learn more about and review examples of Reasonable Modifications.

Employees experiencing pregnancy-related conditions that manifest as a temporary disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are eligible for reasonable accommodations just like any other employee with a temporary disability. Human Resources, in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator, will work together to ensure the employee receives reasonable accommodations for their disability as required by law.

Requesting Reasonable Modifications

For Employees, contact

Lori Fassett
Associate Vice President of Human Resources

1375 South Clare Avenue, Harrison, MI  48625
Office |  Harrison Campus, Main Building, Room 213B

2600 South Summerton Rdoad, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Office |  Doan 105

(989) 386-6622 x692

Leave of Absence

Information on employment leave can be found by visiting the Human Resources webpage.

Employees are permitted to utilize available paid leave pursuant to the College’s applicable leave policies. If an employee, including a student-employee, is not eligible for leave under the aforementioned leave policy because they either (1) do not have enough leave time available under that policy, or (2) have not been employed long enough to qualify for leave under that policy, they are eligible to qualify for pregnancy or related condition leave under Title IX and this policy. Pregnancy and related conditions will be regarded as a justification for a leave of absence without pay for a reasonable period of time. Human Resources will work with the Title IX Coordinator to establish appropriate leave in this circumstance. Employees who take leave under Title IX must be reinstated to the status held when leave began or a comparable position without a negative effect on any employment privilege or right.

For the non-birthing parent, the College will provide support and assistance in the event of a medical need for the birthing-parent or newborn.

Lactation Space Access

The College will provide an employee with reasonable breaktime to express breast milk or breastfeed as needed. For up to one year after the child’s birth, nursing employees will be provided with reasonable break time to express breast milk during the workday. Nursing employees who require nursing breaks should speak with Human Resources or their supervisor regarding their needs. The employee’s direct supervisor, in collaboration with Human Resources, will work with the employee to develop a break schedule that is reasonable, accounts for needs that may vary from day to day, and creates the least amount of disruption to the College’s operations.

The College has established dedicated Mindfulness rooms on each campus which are clean, shielded from view, and free from intrusion from others. These rooms may be used by students and employees for expressing or breastfeeding. 

Mindfulness/lactation spaces are located in the following locations

  • Harrison Campus | Room 137
  • Mt. Pleasant Campus | CLAB 258A


The College prohibits any retaliation, harassment, or adverse action due to an individual's request for modifications under this policy or for reporting or participating in an investigation of unlawful discrimination under this policy.

Reporting Discrimination and/or Retaliation

Any individual who experiences, observes, or becomes aware of any acts of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should promptly be reported to the College’s Title IX Coordinator, is encouraged to report it to the College’s Title IX Coordinator or by using the online incident report form.

Reports may be filed as follows

  • By contacting College Compliance & Ethics
    • 1375 South Clare Avenue, Harrison, MI  48625
      Office |  Harrison Campus, Main Building, Business Services Suite, Room 205
    • 2600 South Summerton Road, Mt. Pleasant, MI  48858
      Office | Center for Liberal Arts & Business, Room 168C (located inside Library & Learning Services)
    • (989) 386-6638 |