FY 2025-2026 Projection

  • Total general fund revenue (estimated): $29,971,649
  • Total general fund expenditures (estimated): $29,971,649

Mid Michigan College COVID-19 Federal Funding Report as required by Section 226b of the 2022-2023 COMMUNITY COLLEGES BUDGET BOILERPLATE DECISION DOCUMENT as Passed by the House and Senate.

Activities Classification Structure Report

  • Categorizing all institutional general fund expenditures made by the community college within a fiscal year (ACS Table 27)
  • Institutional general fund expenditure amounts categorized both by each academic unit (ACS Table 39), administrative unit (ACS Table 27), or external initiative within the community college
  • Major expenditures category, including faculty and staff salaries and fringes (ACS Table 36), facility related costs (ACS Tables 27, 37, 38), supplies and equipment (audited financial statements supplemental information), contracts, and transfer to and from other community college funds (audited financial statements supplemental information)

FY 2024-2025 Projection

Total estimated general fund revenue: $27,500,000
Total estimated general fund expenditures: $27,500,000

Estimated Cost Resulting From the Affordable Care Act

The College estimated that it will cost $11,500 in FY 2023-2024 to pay for the required expenses resulting from the Public Law 111-148, as amended by the health care and education reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152. This estimate excludes any additional administrative cost of compliance and assumes that no additional participants will be required to be covered under our employee health insurance plan.

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