Mid Michigan College - Financial Report (FY 2022-2023)

Revenue By Source (FY 2023)

FY 2022-2023

Mid Financials Chart 2023

heading Revenues
Tuition & Fees $14,003,631
Property Taxes $4,150,845
Other $566,322
State Aid $5,864,784

Expense by Activity Classification (FY 2023)

FY 2022-2023

Mid Expenses Chart 2023

heading Expenses
Instruction $9,211,133
Public Service $711,510
Instructional Support $1,378,430
Student Services $2,140,358
Institutional Administration $3,560,517
Physical Plant $2,100,615
Information Technology $1,724,721

Mid Foundation Financial Report (FY 2022-2023)

Each year, thousands of students attend Mid. Some are pursuing goals of enrichment. Others are preparing to transfer to a university, and still others are training for a technical career. Their motives may be different, but the results are the same – a higher quality of life. These students are supported through the Foundation, which invests gifts in funds that provide for the College over the long term. Such gifts provide much needed resources in vital areas like scholarships, program development, and improved facilities.



FY 2022-2023

heading Revenues
Gifts-General $120,5588
Restricted Endowed Funds $64,955
Athletics (including fundraisers) $104,547
Expendable Endowed Funds $298
Lakers Academic Fund $15,383
Scholarships $11,395
Designated Gifts $5,401
Investment Income $127,039
Unrealized gain on investments $463,090
Total Revenues $912,666


FY 2022-2023

heading Expenses
General $189,332
Athletics $157,475
Students of Promise $877
Foundation Grants $58,439
Designated Gifts $23,157
Management Fees $20,949
Transfer to General Fund $561
Scholarships Awarded $131,782
Total Expenses $582,572
Increase in net assets $330,094




Mid Michigan College - Financial Report (FY 2021-2022)

Revenue By Source (FY 2022)

FY 2021-2022


heading Revenues
Tuition & Fees $13,625,932
Property Taxes $3,872,237
Other $223,235
State Aid $5,854,655
UAAL $1,467,483

Expense by Activity Classification (FY 2022)

FY 2021-2022


heading Expenses
Instruction $8,847,284
Public Service $730,532
Instructional Support $1,250,587
Student Services $2,081,710
Institutional Administration $3,713,819
Physical Plant $2,011,419
Information Technology $1,408,352

Mid Foundation Financial Report (FY 2021-2022)


FY 2021-2022

heading Revenues
Gifts-General $95,395
Restricted Endowed Funds $52,110
Athletics (including fundraisers) $155,030
Expendable Endowed Funds $3,710
Lakers Academic Fund $21,882
Students of Promise $400
Scholarships $16,200
Designated Gifts $71,600
Investment Income $312,182
Total Revenues $728,509


FY 2021-2022

heading Expenses
General $81,462
Athletics $153,912
Students of Promise $6,892
Foundation Grants $57,805
Designated Gifts $29,100
Management Fees $22,725
Transfer to General Fund $94,070
Scholarships Awarded $84,535
Total Expenses $530,501
Increase in net assets $198,008




Mid Michigan College - Financials (FY 2020-2021)

Revenue By Source (FY 2021)

FY 2020-2021



heading Revenues
Tuition & Fees $13,779,903
Property Taxes $2,534,971
Other $276,069
State Aid $5,613,277
UAAL $1,449,036

Expense by Activity Classification (FY 2021)

FY 2020-2021


heading Expenses
Instruction $10,808,235
Public Service $706,291
Instructional Support $1,746,981
Student Services $2,739,067
Institutional Administration $3,905,103
Physical Plant $2,198,519
Information Technology $1,519,319

Mid Foundation Financial Report (FY 2020-2021)


FY 2022-2023

heading Revenues
Gifts-General $120,5588
Restricted Endowed Funds $64,955
Athletics (including fundraisers) $104,547
Expendable Endowed Funds $298
Lakers Academic Fund $15,383
Scholarships $11,395
Designated Gifts $5,401
Investment Income $127,039
Unrealized gain on investments $463,090
Total Revenues $912,666


FY 2020-2021

heading Expenses
General $109,273
Athletics $54,954
Students of Promise $22,220
Foundation Grants $30,626
Designated Gifts $34,324
Management Fees $35,385
Transfer to General Fund $73,116
Scholarships Awarded $166,490
Total Expenses $526,388
Increase in net assets $1,185,060