Adjunct Faculty Absences Policy

Course Cancellation Information

Faculty Absences

At the beginning of each semester, each part-time instructor will be credited with one (1) hour of leave for each contact hour taught.

Ex. John Smith teaches two ENG.222 courses during the fall 2017 semester

ENG.222.H01 MW 10:00AM-11:25AM (3 contact hour course) and ENG.222.M01 TTH 11:30AM-12:55PM (3 contact hour course) = 6 contact hours, which means John earns 6 leave hours for the fall 2017 semester.

John cancels class on a Monday because he is very ill, which means John has used 1.5 hours of his allotted 6 leave hours. If John misses another three days, he will be at his allotted leave time. If John misses another day, he will be over his allotted leave, and his pay will be reduced.

Web classes DO count toward a part-time instructor's leave time. Instructors that teach combined or cross-listed courses are only credited for one course.

Adjunct instructors are required to report their absence to the Administrative Assistants as soon as possible so that students can be notified of your absence, even in cases where a substitute arrangement has been made. 

When you need to cancel a class during the semester, please use the following information:

Email - OR Phone – (989) 386-6622 ext. 589 or (989) 773-6622 ext. 589

Please complete the electronic leave request form, the paper form no longer exists.

When calling/emailing to cancel a class, please give the course and correct synonym number (Ex: ART.105.H01, #37824).  This will speed up the process of contacting the students. When sending an email to cancel a class, please put “class cancellation” in the subject area.

Please note this is not an automatic process, and class cancellations are checked and completed first thing every morning, and throughout the day by the assistants, (business hours: 8:00am-4:30pm).

Sick leave will be charged against work days in one (1) hour increments and do not accumulate beyond the semester it is earned. 

For any class missed, the instructor should make every effort to reschedule the class in consultation with the students in the class. Please notify your Instructional Administrator of the rescheduled date/time. If rescheduling is not possible, the instructor’s pay will be reduced for any assigned hours missed beyond the amount of sick time available for use.