Mid Michigan College recognizes the importance of encouraging and assisting each student in reaching their full potential. We encourage students to plan ahead for each semester and meet with our team 2-3 months before courses begin to ensure accommodations are in place to support their success.

Accommodations cannot be approved for a student who doesn't provide the necessary documentation.

  • Schedule an appointment with the Student Accommodations team to discuss documentation, placement scores, academic goals, reasonable accommodations, and request services.

If accommodations are provided, meet with each of your instructors during the first week of your courses to share your Accommodations Agreement Letter. If your instructors have questions, they can contact the Accommodations team directly.

Student Accommodations Information Request

Student Accommodations Application

Login to Self-Service to access your Accommodations Agreement

For complete instructions on logging in to Self-Service, viewing, printing, or sharing your Accommodations Agreement Letter with your instructions, visit this online guide

CTA Accommodations Card screenshot


Student Pregnancy, Parenting, & Nursing Protections

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, and this includes pregnancy and parental status in college educational programs, work, and activities.  In compliance with Title IX, Mid will not discriminate against any student or exclude any student from its educational programs, work, or activities on the basis of the individual’s actual or potential parental, family, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom. The College provides certain protections and reasonable modifications.

To learn more about Mid’s Pregnancy, Parenting, & Nursing Protections Policy or to submit a Request for Reasonable Modifications, use the links below.

Review Mid’s Pregnancy, Parenting, & Nursing Protections Policy

Student Request Form for Reasonable Modifications due to Pregnancy/Parenting & Related Conditions


Additional Information

  • Apply to Mid Michigan College.
  • Complete your Next Steps with help from your Mid Mentor.
  • Complete the Student Accommodations Application.
    • Eligible Impairments
      • Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/HD)
      • Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, etc.)
      • Mobility and Injury-Related Disabilities
      • Psychiatric Disabilities (Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, etc.)
      • Sensory Impairments (Audio, Visual, etc.)
    • Accommodations cannot be approved for a student who doesn't provide the necessary documentation. Students need to submit documentation from a doctor, high school counselor, or community service provider (such as Community Mental Health, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Commission for the Blind, etc.).
    • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 plans may be used but other documentation is preferred.
    • Any and all information received regarding disabilities and/or impairments is strictly confidential.
  • Schedule an appointment with the Student Accommodations team to discuss documentation, placement scores, academic goals, reasonable accommodations, and request services.
  • If accommodations are provided, meet with each of your instructors during the first week of your courses to share your accommodations letter. If your instructors have questions, they can contact the Accommodations team directly.
    • Accommodation letters can be accessed via the link at the top of this page or through Self-Service.
    • Accommodations are arranged individually on an as-needed basis. The nature and extent of accommodations may vary from course to course, instructor to instructor, and semester to semester.
    • Accommodations are not retroactive.
    • Accommodations beyond those approved by the College and sponsoring community support agency must be arranged and paid for by the individual.

  • Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for programs, services, and activities, (completing assigned work in courses taken).
  • Self-identify in a timely manner as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed and seek information, counsel, and assistance as necessary from appropriate sources designated by Mid Michigan College, preferably six weeks before the beginning of the semester. Accommodations will not be made retroactive.
  • Provide documentation describing the nature of the disability and how the disability limits the student’s participation in courses, programs, services, activities and facilities.
  • Follow published procedures for obtaining effective and appropriate accommodation services, academic adjustments, and or auxiliary aids and services. Guide to Classroom Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
  • Contact individual faculty to activate an accommodation if desired.

  • Provide information regarding policies and procedures to the student with disabilities and assure that this information is provided in accessible formats upon requests.
  • Ensure that courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in integrated and appropriate settings.
  • Evaluate student on his/her abilities and potential, not their disabilities.
  • Provide or arrange for effective, appropriate, and reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, and services for students in courses, program, services, jobs and activities.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communications concerning students with disabilities except where disclosure is required by the law or authorized by the student.
  • Serve as a resource for faculty, staff and students.

One of the accommodations that a student with a disability may use is flexible attendance, where the student may be allowed to exceed the attendance policy of an instructor or department.

Student Accommodation Services does not have a role in determining course attendance policies. Because attendance may be integral to the learning outcomes of a course, these policies are set by instructors or by the departments. Similarly, instructors also determine policies regarding make-up work and missed quizzes and exams.

In some cases, attendance is fundamental to course objectives; for example, students may be required to interact with others in the course, to demonstrate the ability to think and argue critically, or to participate in group projects. In other instances, instructors may determine that students can master course content despite some or many absences. Rarely, instructors may decide that students do not need to attend course sessions at all.

The ADA does not require instructors to lower academic standards or substantially modify course expectations. However, some students are eligible for a flexible attendance accommodation, because of their health. Generally, this means a student will not lose points for missing a course session. Instructors may choose to be consistent with enforcement of their policies; however, each request should be evaluated individually. Instructors should make their policies clear so that students can make informed choices about which courses to take.

Instructors should pay attention to possible claims of differential treatment. Occasionally, an instructor has a strict attendance policy on paper but has modified it for others. It is important to consider any exceptions you may have made; either to your own policy or that of the program, especially for nondisabled students (i.e. death in the family, flu outbreak, sick child etc.)

Each attendance flexibility request must be considered on a case by case basis. However, flexible attendance accommodations require an interactive discussion between you and the student in order to reach an understanding about how attendance impacts the student’s ability to meet the objectives/requirements of the course, and what flexibility can be provided. Prior to that discussion, please consider the following questions in making that determination. These questions were obtained from a Letter of Finding from the Office for Civil Rights to Cabrillo Community College in California [Case No. 09-96-2150; OCR Region IX, 1996]).

  • Is there regular classroom interaction between the instructor and the students and among the students themselves?
  • Do student contributions in the classroom constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely upon student participation as an essential method of learning?
  • To what degree does the student’s failure to attend constitute a significant loss of the educational experience of the other students in the course?
  • What do the course description and syllabus say regarding attendance?
  • What is the method by which the final grade is calculated?

After reviewing the essential questions, a reasoned judgment should be made about whether a waiver of this course attendance requirement would be acceptable and warrant flexible attendance accommodation. While in some cases attendance is essential in meeting course objectives/requirements, in other instances, instructors may determine that students can master course content despite absences. In providing this accommodation, instructors are not required to modify course content.

Absences which are not disability related are not covered under flexible attendance, and should be treated as you would a similar absence for any other student in your course.

  • Routine medical appointments, transportation difficulties, work-related activities, etc., are not reasons to warrant the disability related flexible attendance accommodation because they are not disability related.
  • Accommodations are NOT retroactive.
  • Students with a flexible attendance accommodation are not required to disclose the nature of the absence, only that it is disability related, nor are they required to provide you with any documentation of the absence.
  • Regardless of determination, the deliberative process should be well documented, so that others who were not involved in the process can understand the considerations taken into account and the reason for final determination. The Student Accommodation Services team strongly recommends that there be written documentation of the agreement between the instructor and the student regarding when any work from a disability related absence must be completed/submitted.
    • One option might be a communication via email, with a request that the student confirm receipt of the email.
    • Another possibility might be a document signed by the instructor and the student.
    • We strongly suggest that you forward a copy of any agreement(s) to Mid Michigan College’s Student Accommodation Services, who will provide support to you and the student throughout the semester.

  • Books in Adapted Format
    • A student may submit a request to Student Accommodation Services for an electronic version of a textbook after purchase of the print version. Various technologies may be employed to read this version to the student.
  • Health Accommodations
    • Instructors and students often discuss these types of accommodations and should then inform Student Accommodation Services of the arrangements agreed upon and additional needs as they arise.
  • Allergy Warning
    • Accommodations made for students with a life threatening allergy. Instructors should notify all students which items are not allowed in the classroom.
  • Bathroom Breaks
    • Students may need to leave the classroom during instruction and exams.
  • Flexible Attendance
    • A student may have a medical condition which may affect attendance. Please discuss accommodations with the student, the attendance policy, and procedures in case of a flare-up. See the Flexible Attendance Policy for guidance and notify Student Accommodation Services as absences occur.
  • Specific Health Concern
    • Instructors should consult with the student and Student Accommodation Services for specific details of the disability such as the need to eat and/or drink during instruction, fainting, seizures, quiet area, etc.
  • Stand/Stretch/Walk
    • Students may need to stand and/or walk periodically.
  • Interpreter
    • If a student is deaf and needs an interpreter, one will be provided.
  • Learning Station Modification
    • Some students may need a change in standard classroom equipment, such as a raised table for a student confined to a wheelchair. Facilities assists Student Accommodation Services in providing these accommodations. If you notice an unmet need in your classroom, please have the student contact Student Accommodation Services.
  • Notetaking Assistance
    • Digital Notetaking
      • Mid Michigan College leases software which allows students to record lectures using a laptop, tablet, and/or smartphone. Students may require preferred seating for recording. The recording and transcription are for their use only and may not be distributed to others. Students are required to sign a Recorded Lecture Policy Agreement.
    • Note Taker
      • Students also have the option to work with Student Accommodation Services to locate a note taker. Effort is made to utilize another student who is attending the same course. The note taker may be paid for taking notes for the student. Students may record the course for additional support.
  • Special Instructional Equipment
    • Usually the student is already in possession of the technology and tools required. If not, please contact Student Accommodation Services.
  • Testing Accommodations
    • Extended Time
      • The norm is to allow a student time and a half on exams (1 hour = 1 ½ hours). This applies to in-course writing assignments, timed tests, and quizzes, but not to take-home exams.
    • Alternative Testing
      • A student may need to take their exam in a quiet area. This accommodation may be approved for physical and mental health issues such as anxiety, delayed testing due to diabetes blood glucose levels, chunk testing, Scantron exemption etc.
    • Reader
      • A student may need someone to read their test to them.
    • Writer
      • A student may need someone to write on their test for them.
    • Library & Learning Services (LLS) will assist you with meeting the above testing-related accommodations.
      • Students must make an appointment at the LLS to receive services, especially if they need a reader, writer, and/or quiet time.
  • Tutoring
    • Student may be assigned a tutor from the beginning of the semester due to disability.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)

  • Definition
    • A neurobiological condition that is divided up into three types predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and combined. Once considered “childhood disorders” these conditions have been recognized as chronic impairments which continue into adulthood and are often controlled through medication.
  • Considerations
    • ADD/ADHD is documented through a comprehensive evaluation that establishes a diagnosis, rules out other causes, and determines the presence or absence of other conditions. This evaluation would often include intelligence testing plus the assessment of academic, social and emotional functioning and developmental abilities. Measures of attention span and impulsivity will also be used. A medical exam by a physician is important. Students with ADD/ADHD may have accompanying learning disabilities or other disabilities such as anxiety or depression that can impact their college learning experience.
  • Classroom Considerations
    • When possible give students more frequent testing opportunities.
    • When possible give students classroom breaks.
  • Student Accommodation Services
    • Testing adaptations

Blind/Partially Sighted Students

  • Definition
    • Disorders in the function of the eye which includes low/diminished vision that cannot be corrected with standard lenses. It also includes vision impaired because of illness, a degenerative syndrome, or trauma. Guide to Classroom Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 17 of 39 Over 75% of all “blind” persons have some usable vision. Therefore, the term “blindness” should be reserved for complete loss of sight. The term partially sighted, sometimes referred to as visually impaired, is a better description of people whose sight is affected. Visual acuity figures, however, do not tell how functional a person is. For example, one person may be able to read regular printed material with magnification, while another person with the same visual acuity may need large print or braille material.
    • Some common difficulties experienced by blind/partially sighted students are
      • Inability to utilize standard printed materials (textbooks, classroom handouts, references, supplemental readings).
      • Inability to obtain classroom information written on a black/white board.
      • Inability to fully utilize audiovisual materials, charts, diagrams, in a classroom setting or lab.
      • Inability to take tests in the standard method or time frame as sighted students.
    • Tips for interaction with blind/partially sighted students
      • If the person seems to need assistance, identify yourself and offer your services.
      • If you are walking with the person, let him/her take your arm just above the elbow, and walk in a relaxed manner.
      • When giving directions, use descriptive words such as “straight, forward, left.” Avoid use of vague terms such as “over there.”
      • Be sure to let the person know you are leaving the area.
      • Guide dogs are working animals. It is hazardous for the dog to be distracted. Do not pet or touch the dog without permission.
      • Feel free to use words like “see” and “look” when speaking with the person.
      • Do not assume the person will recognize you by your voice. Identify yourself by name.
      • It is helpful to speak directly to the person and to maintain eye contact if possible.
  • Considerations
    • Some students may use aids such as a guide dog or white canes. These dogs are professionally trained for the work that they do and are well disciplined in group settings-they are at work and should not be petted. White canes are another mobility aid and are distinctive in their white coloring to be noted as such for the seeing population.
  • Classroom Considerations
    • Each person with a visual disability will have differing levels of functioning. Not all visual disabilities are readily apparent. Many students do not use canes or dogs and thus are not easily identifiable. However, accommodations may still be necessary. It is the responsibility of each student to inform faculty members of individual requirements and needs and to work out accommodations. This allows the student to learn to advocate for him/herself. The following general considerations will be helpful in working with students who have visual disabilities
      • When lecturing, avoid the use of visual terms such as “over there.” Be as clear and descriptive as possible.
      • When utilizing the board verbalize as you go. Spell out new or technical words.
      • Alternative testing arrangements are usually necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements. Utilizing a test reader or writer often requires additional time.
      • Recordings for the blind, large print and braille materials need to be ordered by Student Accommodation Services well in advance (6-8 weeks).
      • Give verbal notice of room changes, date changes for exams or assignments, special meetings, or new assignments not given in the syllabus.
      • If the student uses a text enlarger, he/she may be able to read your handouts. As the student will not be able to copy notes from a board, you may provide the student with a copy of your notes or a note taker may be provided by Student Accommodation Services.
      • The student may need an individual to interpret visual, spatial, and motion aspects of films or demonstrations.
      • The student may need an assistant where hands-on work is required.
      • If a field trip site is inaccessible, consider alternative methods for the student to acquire the knowledge.
      • Arrange furniture to avoid barriers to the student.
  • Student Accommodations Services
    • Adaptive Equipment
    • Environmental Adaptations
    • Alternative Testing Adaptations
    • Modified Materials

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students

  • Definition
    • Hearing loss attributed to two causes 1) sensor neural-nerve deafness which involves impairment of the auditory nerve and affects the inner ear or 2) conductive loss, a dysfunction of part of the ear mechanism affecting the outer and middle ear. Some students may have both types of hearing loss.
  • Considerations
    • The age of the student at the time of the loss will impact on the student’s ability to communicate as a hearing person. The student may be pre-lingually deaf (hearing loss before oral language acquisition) or adventitiously deaf (normal hearing during language acquisition). Those born deaf or who become deaf as a very young child might have more limited speech development. Students, who have residual hearing, may rely on lip reading and use hearing aids or assistive listening devices. Hearing aids amplify all sounds and can make small noises such as air conditioners and traffic noise distracting. Lip reading students usually comprehend only about 30-40% of what is said and have difficulty understanding instructors who cover their lips, face the chalkboard, move around, or wear a mustache. Course discussions can also be problematic. Students may require the use of sign or oral language interpreters to access the information being presented during the course. Sign language interpreters use highly developed language or finger spelling skills for communication while employing various types of sign language (e.g. American Sign Language or Signed English). Oral interpreters silently form words on their lips for speech-reading.
  • Classroom Considerations
    • Allow for preferential seating of students so he/she can maximize his/her ability to use residual hearing and lip reading.
    • Assume the student will participate in classroom activities along with other students.
    • Take a few minutes in the beginning of the semester to orient the students to the presence of the interpreter and/or note taker.
    • Always speak directly to the student (rather than the interpreter) even if the student does not have eye contact with you.
    • Ask the student to repeat if you do not understand what is being said. Let the student know that you are willing to repeat if he/she has trouble understanding you.
    • If you turn and talk while writing on the board, the lip reading student will not be able to understand what you are saying. Repeat when you turn back to the students.
    • Use visual aids to illustrate principles. Students with hearing disabilities rely on their visual sense to acquire information. Full use of the board, diagrams, charts, etc. will facilitate learning.
    • Students with hearing disabilities often have difficulty reading and writing up to grade level, since the ability to learn these skills is based heavily on the ability to hear.
    • As it will be difficult to watch an instructor and interpreter at the same time, note taking will be difficult. A student may be asked to copy notes for the student.
    • Providing a brief outline and a list of new vocabulary words prior to students will help the student and the interpreter prepare for the course. Often a new “sign” must be created for technical vocabulary.
    • Check with the interpreter to see if the pace of your lecture is difficult to keep up with.
    • When using video, arrange for the interpreter to stand or sit near the screen so the hearing disabled student can see both the screen and the interpreter.
    • Demonstrate lab processes only after they have been completely described, because it will be difficult for the hearing disabled student to watch the demonstration and the interpreter at the same time.
  • Student Accommodations Services
    • Adaptive Equipment
    • Testing Adaptations
    • Interpreter
    • Environmental Adaptations.

Mobility Impairments

  • Definition
    • Mobility Impairments range in severity from limitations on stamina to paralysis impacting physical mobility and movement. This includes, but is not limited to, quadriplegia, paraplegia, amputation, arthritis, back disorders, cerebral palsy, and muscular dystrophy.
  • Considerations
    • Physical disabilities may either be congenital or a result of disease or injury. The cause of the disability may vary, students with physical disability face common challenges, such as inability to gain access to inaccessible classrooms, decreased eye-hand coordination, decreased note-taking and test writing ability due to weakness or paralysis, impaired verbal communication, and/or decreased physical stamina and endurance.
    • Sit down if possible, and speak at eye level directly to the student.
    • It is not necessary to avoid words such as running or walking.
    • The student may not be comfortable asking for assistance. If it looks like he/she need something, ask if you can help.
    • Acknowledge that the disability exists.
    • If the student’s speech is difficult to understand, do not hesitate to ask that he/she repeat the communication.
  • Classroom Considerations
    • Allow alternative methods of recording answers to tests such as typing or taping.
    • Do not assume the student needs assistance; generally, the student will ask for physical assistance.
    • Tables may need to be adjusted to accommodate his/her equipment. Chairs and lap trays may also be needed in the classroom.
  • Student Accommodations Services
    • Adaptive Equipment
    • Environmental Adaptations
    • Testing Adaptations

Psychiatric/Psychological Disabilities

  • Definition
    • A chronic behavioral or psychological condition in an individual that causes clinically significant distress or impairment and is not an expected response to a particular event. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia.
  • Considerations
    • Trauma is not the sole cause of psychological disabilities genetics may play a role. Psychiatric/psychological disabilities affect people of any age, gender, income groups and intellectual level. Disruptive behavior is not an attribute of most people with psychiatric/psychological disabilities.
  • Student Accommodations Services
    • Environmental Adaptations
    • Testing Adaptations

Systemic Disabilities

  • Definition
    • Disabilities stemming from conditions affecting one or more of the body’s systems - respiratory, immunological, neurological, or circulatory. Examples include cancer, chemical dependency, diabetes, seizure disorder, HIV, Lyme disease, lupus, multiple chemical sensitivity, severe asthma and allergies, and kidney disease.
  • Considerations
    • The physical condition of those with systemic disabilities is unstable, at any time their health conditions may change.
  • Student Accommodations Services
    • Environmental Adaptations
    • Testing Adaptations

Learning Disabilities

  • Definition
    • A group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders may occur across the life span. Problems in self-regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social interactions may exist with learning disabilities, but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability. Although learning disabilities may occur concomitantly with other disabling conditions (e.g. sensory impairment, mental retardation, or serious emotional disturbance), or with extrinsic influences (such as cultural differences, insufficient, or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result of those conditions or influences.
  • Considerations
    • Learning disabilities are not the same as borderline intellectual functioning or emotional disorders. Students with learning disabilities usually have average or above average intelligence. Learning disabilities must be documented through a series of intellectual, cognitive and achievement skills testing. The testing needs to document that there is a discrepancy between the student’s achievement skills and intellectual capacity.
    • Specific Types of Learning Disabilities
      • Auditory
        • Auditory perceptual problems refer to the difficulty in receiving accurate information from the sense of hearing. These problems are analogous with seeing problems. Auditory figure-ground problems refer to difficulty in hearing one sound over a background noise. Students with this problem would experience difficulty in hearing the faculty member when a noisy machine is turned on. Students would experience difficulty in hearing a tutor in a group tutoring situation or when the area is especially crowded and many students are talking. Auditory discrimination problems refer to the difficulty in hearing the difference between two similar sounds, such as “nineteen” and ninety.” An additional problem might be auditory sequencing or difficulty in hearing sounds in the correct order. A person with this problem might hear “club” instead of “bulk” or “street” instead of “treats”. People with auditory perceptual problems may experience difficulty understanding and remembering oral instructions. When dealing with these students, tutors should write things down, explain the process as it occurs, and ask the student to explain what she/he is doing and why. This serves as a check for gaps in communication of information.
      • Classroom Accommodations
        • Allow students to tape the lectures or use a note taker.
        • Encourage the use of computers for written assignments, including spellcheck and grammar-check functions. If available, encourage use of computers with voice output.
        • Incorporate visual, oral and tactile demonstrations into instruction to use all sensory modes.
        • Give feedback to students immediately.
        • Stress the importance of study habits and effective time management.
      • Student Accommodations Services
        • Adaptive Equipment
        • Tape Record Lectures
        • Environmental Adaptations
        • Use Board
        • Closed Caption Videos
        • Group Discussions
        • Testing Adaptations
      • Dyslexia
        • Dyslexia refers to severe difficulties in learning to read. It is one of the best known disabilities. People with severe dyslexia are those who have never received remediation, may not read at all, or may read with great difficulty. Often these students are extremely bright, often relying solely on their ability to remember to pass courses. Often dictating their work into a tape recorder or using a tape recorder instead of taking notes is one way to “catch” information orally. Some people with dyslexia have been able to train themselves to read fairly well. Often these students read materials as quickly as possible getting the “gist” of what happened details and connections often escape their attention.
      • Dysgraphia
        • Some students with learning disabilities are unable to communicate effectively through printing or cursive writing. This condition may manifest itself in the written work that appears careless, often including excessive spelling errors.
      • Student Accommodations Services
        • Using a computer for note taking and for submitting assignments and/or completing tests.
      • Perceptual Motor Problem
        • Some people have problems working with their hands. Their brains have difficulty telling their bodies what to do. This may result in clumsiness, difficulty in sports, and awkward or stiff movements. They do not like being singled out to do problems on the board or to work a problem for a group.
      • Tactile (Information intake)
        • Some people have tactile perceptual problems, which is difficulty taking information in through the sense of touch. They may not like being touched by other people, even in fun, and may prefer to work alone. They may also have tactile discrimination problems or difficulty feeling the difference between two similar objects. These students may have trouble assembling small parts or judging the right amount of pressure needed to bend and twist a plastic wire without breaking it. These students may have trouble in science classes or in labs.
      • Visual Processing
        • Students with visual perceptual problems have trouble receiving and/or processing accurate information from their sense of sight. They might have difficulty picking out an object from a background of other objects. Students with this problem may have difficulty finding specific information from lists or texts. Some students have difficulty in visual discrimination, that is, in telling the difference between two similar things, such as a snow tire and a regular tire. This would also have an impact on reading since two similar letters “u” or “v” might look alike to the student. Another visual problem is sequencing or difficulty in seeing things in the correct order, such as cans lined up on a shelf or numbers, and difficulty in seeing letters on a page. This visual sequencing disturbance could interfere with a person’s ability to read and to perform computations.
      • Written Expression
        • Disorder of written expression is a childhood condition characterized by poor writing skills. Although no systematic studies of the prevalence of this disorder have been conducted, it is believed to be about 6%, or as common as learning and reading disorders. Students with disorder of written expression have trouble with spelling, make frequent errors in punctuation and grammar and have poor handwriting.

What are “reasonable” accommodations based on?

The ADA states that “reasonable accommodations” must be provided on a case-by-case basis to people with disabilities so that they might enjoy the same privileges and benefits available to the non-disabled. Accommodations must be effective. Accommodations must not alter the fundamental nature of the course or program, and essential courses should not be waived. The purpose of academic adjustments is to allow students to comprehend course materials more effectively and to communicate that comprehension. If instructors have questions about required accommodations, they should contact Student Accommodation Services at (989) 317-4613.

Should faculty/staff provide accommodations without the Accommodation Notification Form?

For students with obvious physical disabilities, faculty/staff should accommodate their immediate needs, if possible. However, because granting academic adjustments without documentation may lead to inconsistencies, faculty/staff should refer all students requesting accommodations for disabilities to Student Accommodation Services.

Who is responsible for administering tests to students with disabilities?

Instructors have the authority for test administration. You may choose to use the Library and Learning Services (LLS). The LLS is a place where students may go for their quiet area, extended time and/or reader if necessary. Instructors will deliver the test to the LLS with specific test guidelines for the student (example can a calculator or notes be used.)

Does a student have to disclose his disability to the College?

Students are not required to tell anyone at Mid Michigan College about their disability. However, if they want to receive accommodations, they must register with Student Accommodation Services.

How often should a student meet with Student Accommodation Services?

Students need to register with Student Accommodation Services each semester to obtain academic advising and accommodations. While a student may choose to meet with another academic advisor, accommodations can only be arranged through Student Accommodation Services. Students may meet with Student Accommodation Services any time during the semester for questions and/or assistance.

The Differences Between High School and College Accommodations

  • In K-12 education, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are aimed toward success for all students entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
  • Education is a right and must be provided to all individuals free of charge.
  • Schools must identify a student’s disability.
  • Documentation is the Individual Education Plan (IEP), and the school provides evaluation at no cost to the student.
  • Schools develop an IEP or 504 Plan that includes accommodations.
  • Parents advocate for the student and have access to student records.
  • Homework modifications may include fewer questions to answer, alternate assignments, extra time to turn in homework, etc.
  • Testing modifications may include eliminating questions, unlimited time, extra explanations, ability to take tests in a resource room, open book/open note tests, etc.
  • Teachers approach students to see if they need assistance and remind students of assignments and due dates.
  • Personal aides may be provided in the classroom for academic or personal care issues.
  • Tutoring or outside resources may be set up for the student.

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act guide the College’s Americans with Disabilities Act Policies & Procedures and accommodation services toward access for all students.
  • Education is an opportunity. Students must meet all essential college, department/program, and course requirements.
  • Students must apply and be qualified to do college-level classwork.
  • Students take courses as offered, not fundamentally altered, as no modifications are required.
  • Accommodations related to testing are often limited to extended time, a distraction-reduced environment, and readers for tests who can read the test exactly as written.
  • No modifications to the length of assignments. Accommodations may grant extended time for in-class assignments, but instructors have the final say about extended time for homework submissions.
  • Students must self-identify to Accommodation Services.
  • Students provide documentation that meets college standards. If evaluation is necessary, it is at the students’ expense.
  • Students receive an Accommodation Letter and must give this to each instructor each semester to implement their accommodations.
  • Instructors expect students to read the course syllabus and do not remind students of due dates.
  • Parents have no access to student records or information without consent from the student.
  • Personal aides are not provided.
  • Free tutoring services are available. Sign up through Mid’s Library & Learning Services website at midmich.edu/lls.

Mid Michigan College is an equal opportunity educational institution that complies with Federal and State laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination. Mid Michigan College has the responsibility to provide every qualified student with a disability the following:

  • Equal access to educational programs, services, activities, and facilities available throughout the College.
  • Reasonable and effective accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Confidentiality of academic and disability information, except as required by law or with the written permission of the student.

Support is available for all students. Funding for qualifying students enrolled in approved occupational programs is provided through the Carl D. Perkins Grant.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, we ensure that admission, services, activities, facilities and academic programs are accessible to and usable by qualified students with disabilities. It is expected that students will make requests for accommodations well in advance of the start of the semester (a minimum of two months in advance is recommended).

Mid Michigan College has adopted internal grievance procedures which provide a venue for a prompt, equitable, and impartial resolution of grievances alleging any action prohibited by the ADA or Section 504. These procedures apply to complaints of inaccessibility, discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability and pertain to all members of the campus community including: students, faculty, staff, employment and admission applicants, vendors, contractors, and third parties.

For more information review our Americans with Disability Act (ADA) webpage. 

Refer to our policy webpage linked here for information regarding Service Animals at Mid.

Accommodation Services

Harrison Campus

  • Room 106

Mt. Pleasant Campus

  • Doan 108