Mid's College Catalog is an important communication tool that our students rely on. There are hundreds of pages that must be kept current and the responsibility for this task lies with each and every member of the Mid team.

The Strategic Communications Team is responsible for helping implement changes and ensuring that the overall voice and appearance of the College Catalog is consistent with brand standards.

Deans and Department Leadership from across the College are responsible for the accuracy of the content within their respective areas. The College Catalog table of contents should be used to find specific sections that relate to departmental expertise when reviewing Catalog content.

The following schedule generally outlines the College Catalog review process.

  • January 24 Strategic Communications distributes the College Catalog for the initial review of non-academic content.
  • February 28 All non-academic content changes/updates due to Strategic Communications.
  • March 19 The Curriculum Committee approves all updates for the coming year and sends these updates to the Registrar.
  • March 21 The Registrar updates all academic content and sends this content to Academic Affairs for review.
  • March 24-28 Academic Affairs provides all changes to the Registrar, the Registrar makes the needed changes, and then provides all updated academic content to Strategic Communications.
  • March 24-31 Strategic Communications makes final edits and creates an accessible PDF that is then distributed for final review. If a question is recorded in the comments, please resolve the question before the deadline so Strategic Communications can make accurate revisions.
  • April 1 - April 4 All revisions must be reported to the Registrar and Strategic Communications. When reporting revisions, please record them in the comments. If additional information needs to be sent to complete the change, direct that information to stratcomm@midmich.edu and include the corresponding page number.
  • April 7 The Registrar provides final academic content to Strategic Communications.
  • April 8-11 Strategic Communications completes all revisions and posts an accessible PDF of the College Catalog to the website prior to the opening of fall registration.
  • April 14 Fall 2025 Registration opens.

What to look for when reviewing the College Catalog...

  • Please check relevant pages for content accuracy.
  • Is the content current?
  • Is important content missing?
  • Is the content helpful to students?
  • Is information presented in a manner that approaches it from a student perspective?
  • Organization, Division, Department, Job Title accuracy
  • Check staff member and contact information listings.

What to NOT look for during the annual audit...

  • You do not need to check for accessibility standards or proper use of brand standards. The Strategic Communications Team reviews the College Catalog for these items.

Do you need to submit changes?

  • Simply note the revisions required as a comment in the PDF. If additional information needs to be sent to complete the change, email that information to stratcomm@midmich.edu and include the corresponding College Catalog page number.