Mid Michigan College (Mid) is dedicated to providing a healthy environment for its community and as such, recognizes that improper or excessive use of alcohol and other drugs may be disruptive to our students, faculty and staff by negatively impacting their health and safety. Problems such as memory loss, harassment, sexual misconduct, assaults, disorderly/disruptive behavior, and sleep disruption tend to increase in correlation to the misuse of alcohol and/or other drugs. Due to the harm produced by excessive and illegal use, Mid Michigan College has established polices, intervention strategies, and sanctions to prohibit unlawful behaviors and address policy violations by members of the Mid community which includes its students and staff.
In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, Mid Michigan College is required to have an Alcohol and Other Drug Policy and Prevention Program that is distributed annually in writing to all students, faculty and staff. The Policy must include: the standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful use, possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and staff; information regarding the legal sanctions under local, state or federal law for the unlawful use, possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol; sanctions that the College will impose on students and employees along with a description of the sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination; referral for prosecution for violations of the standard of conduct; a description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation/reentry programs that are available to students and staff; prevention, educational and intervention efforts; the possible health risks associated with the use and abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol.
Mid Michigan College prohibits the use, possession, consumption, sale, distribution, and unlawful manufacture of illegal drugs, narcotics or controlled substances on Mid’s campuses, while conducting College business or as part of College sponsored activities or events. Alcohol is prohibited on campus except when a written Exception Request is submitted for consideration and is approved by Mid’s Board of Trustees. It is the responsibility of each student and employee to be familiar with the provisions of this policy and also the State of Michigan laws as they pertain to drug and alcohol use and abuse. This Policy places responsibility for individual and group conduct on the individuals who use drugs and consume alcohol.Using drugs and drinking alcoholic beverages are not excuses for irresponsible behavior. Individuals and groups are held accountable for their behavior whether or not they have consumed drugs or alcohol.
Michigan law prohibits the dispensing, selling or supplying of drugs or alcohol to any person under the age of 21. Students, employees and visitors to the College may not unlawfully manufacture, consume, possess, sell, distribute, transfer or be under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs, or a controlled substance on College property, at College-related activities or events, while driving a College vehicle or while otherwise engaged in College business. College property includes all buildings and land owned, leased, or used by the College; motor vehicles operated by employees, including personal motor vehicles when used in connection with work performance on behalf of the College.
Any person taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication is individually responsible for ensuring that while taking the drug or medication, they are not a safety risk to themselves or others while on College property, at College-related activities or events, while driving a College or privately owned vehicle while engaged in College business. It is illegal to misuse prescribed drugs contrary to the prescription; give or sell the prescribed drug(s) to another person.
The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act (MMMA) and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act 12-6-2018, conflict with federal criminal laws governing controlled substances, as well as federal laws that require institutions receiving federal funds from contract or grants to maintain a drug-free campus and workplace (see Department of Ed Section 484(r) for information on Higher Education Act of 1965 and rules regarding suspension of Federal Financial Aid for drug-related offenses). Mid receives federal funding that would be jeopardized if those federal laws did not take precedence over state law. Thus, the use, possession, distribution or transportation of marijuana in any form and for any purpose is prohibited on College property or at College sponsored activities or events and would be considered a violation under the College’s Alcohol and Other Drug policy.
(updated AUGUST 2024)