203 | Board of Trustees Travel and Expenses

203.01 Credit Card

Upon request all Trustees shall be provided with a College credit card to be used for college-related travel and/or business. In the case of allowable use questions, the Chairperson of the Board shall be the final authority, unless the Chairperson is posing an allowable use question. In cases where the Chairperson is requesting an allowable use question, the final authority shall be the Board Treasurer.


203.02 Receipts

If a Board member requests reimbursement for expenses incurred in College related travel or business for which a College credit card was not used, receipts and other documentation of costs shall be submitted to the Board/President’s Executive Assistant. The President’s approval is required before reimbursement is issued; the Chairperson of the Board shall be the final authority in questions of allowable reimbursement, unless the Chairperson is requesting reimbursement. In cases where the Chairperson is requesting reimbursement, the final authority shall be the Board Treasurer.


203.03 Regular Meeting Expense

Board members can request reimbursement of travel expenses for attendance at regular, special and/or committee meetings. Additional mileage reimbursement can be requested for attendance at college-sponsored events held on any of Mid Michigan College’s campuses. Documentation of such expenses should be presented to the Board/President’s Executive Assistant. Reimbursement for mileage shall be based upon the existing administrative rate. The President’s approval is required before reimbursement is issued; the Chairperson of the Board shall be the final authority in questions of allowable reimbursement, unless the Chairperson is requesting reimbursement. In cases where the Chairperson is requesting reimbursement, the final authority shall be the Board Treasurer. There shall be no cost to Trustees or significant others for participation in College-sponsored social events.


203.04 National/Regional Organizations/Associations

Subject to budget limitations, each Trustee is authorized to participate and receive approved reimbursement for one national meeting at a community college organization/association each fiscal year, and any appropriate workshops presented by a regional community college organization/association.

A Trustee who has attended one national community college conference/workshop/meeting can request the Board of Trustees to authorize attendance at a second meeting. Board of Trustees approval must be received in advance of the dates of the conference, workshop or meeting.

Travel expenses of the Trustee’s significant other incurred while accompanying the Trustee at one national or regional conference/meeting/workshop shall be reimbursed. If a Trustee receives approval from the Board to attend additional meetings, their significant other’s travel expenses shall not be reimbursed.

All Trustees and their significant others are encouraged to participate in the Michigan Community College Association’s summer workshop. Allowable expenses for Trustees and their significant others shall be reimbursed in accordance with College policies and practices.

Any Trustees elected to hold positions on external associations and committees or delegated to represent Mid at external events may incur the need to travel in support of their role with Mid. In these cases, reimbursement for all travel expenses will be offered by the college and the trustee representative will notify the college president in advance to ensure funds are available to support.

[LAST APPROVED April 2024]