HESI Assessment Schedule 2025

  • 9am - 4pm Monday, April 21 | Mt. Pleasant Campus | CLAB 272
  • 11am - 6pm Tuesday, April 22 | Mt. Pleasant Campus | CLAB 272
  • 9am - 4pm Thursday, April 24 | Mt. Pleasant Campus | CLAB 272

The HESI Assessment begins exactly at the scheduled time.

Please arrive 15 minutes early with your HESI payment receipt, pencil, and photo ID.


Reserve a HESI Assessment date using the registration link below.



Students may either pay when submitting the registration form, OR pay the $75 testing fee at Student Services on the Harrison or Mt. Pleasant campuses. Payment must be made BEFORE your scheduled assessment time.

On your scheduled assessment day, plan on arriving 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Students need to bring a pencil, picture ID, and HESI payment receipt. Students will not be permitted to enter the room once the assessment has started and will be required to register for a different session, if available.

Students may take the HESI Assessment a maximum of two times. There must be at least four months in between attempts.

If you have questions, or need to cancel or change your reservation, email nursing@midmich.edu.

The HESI A2 Exam is an admission requirement for all applicants to Mid’s ADN Nursing Program.

Find the answers to some frequently-asked questions about the exam below:

What is the HESI Admission Assessment (A2) Exam?

The HESI A2 Exam consists of six academic exams and a personality profile that identifies the applicant’s learning style. All applicants for the Nursing Program are required to complete the HESI A2 Exam prior to admission.

Total time allotted to complete the exam is 5.25 hours. Applicants must schedule the exam online prior to the testing date. Students must arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time with their payment receipt and photo ID.

What is tested?

English Language

Exam 1 — Reading Comprehension: Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, identifying the main idea, finding meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inferences, etc.  (55 items)

Exam 2 — Vocabulary & General Knowledge: Contains vocabulary terms that are used commonly in both general English speaking and in the healthcare fields. (55 items)

Exam 3 — Grammar: Contains basic grammar, including parts of speech, important terms and their uses in grammar, commonly occurring grammatical errors, etc. (55 items)


Exam 4 — Basic Math Skills: Focuses on math skills needed for healthcare fields, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures, general math facts, etc. Calculators are not permitted!
(55 items)


Exam 5 — Biology: Covers biology basics, water, biological molecules, metabolism, cells, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, etc. (30 items)

Exam 6 — Anatomy & Physiology: Provides coverage of general terminology and anatomical structures and systems. (30 items)

Personality Profile

Personality Profile: Identifies the individual’s dominant personality type, strengths, weaknesses, and suggested learning techniques. (15 items)

Learning Style: Assesses the preferred learning style of the prospective applicant and offers test-taking and study tips suited for that learning style. (14 items)

Critical Thinking: Assess critical thinking in 4 areas: problem solving, biases andethical dilemmas, argument analysis, and analysis of data. (25 items)

Only the English, Math and Science subtests are scored. The results of the Personality Profile sunsets are for the benefit of the student in helping to understand their learnings and personality style and are not calculated in the overall score.

How do I sign up for the HESI Nursing Exam?

Register for the exam at midmich.edu/nursing; choose the date you would like to take the exam. Once registered, go to the cashier’s office at either Harrison or Mt. Pleasant and pay a $70.00 fee and obtain a receipt. Keep the receipt as it will need to be presented on the day of the exam.

How Should I prepare?

A study booklet, HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review (Elsevier Health Services), can be purchased at each Mid Bookstore or online. Please note that Physics and Chemistry will not be included in testing.

Admission Assessment Exam Review, 5th Edition, ISBN: 0-323-58226-5.

What should I bring with me?

On the day of the exam, arrive 15 minutes early. Bring only photo identification and receipt to testing. Testing supplies will be issued, including paper and a pencil. Do not bring any personal items to testing. Calculators are not allowed to be used for the exam. The exam is all on a computer.

What if I don’t pass the HESI the first time?

Students have the option to retake the test one time but must wait for four months to retest. Students will retest with a different version of the exam— no student will have the same exam items twice. A retesting fee of $70.00 will be charged. Students can take the HESI A2 Exam a maximum of twice. Scores from other schools will not be accepted.

More Questions?

Do you have more questions about the HESI A2 Exam? Please contact Nursing Office, nursing@midmich.edu, for additional help, or to cancel or change your exam reservation.

HESI Preparation Workshops

HESI Preparation workshops are typically held ahead of scheduled HESI Assessment dates. Participants work together practicing HESI questions and discussing correct answers. Study and test-taking strategies are covered.

The workshops are FREE to attend, but students are required to purchase the following textbook and bring it to the workshops: HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review, 5th ed, ISBN: 0-323-58226-5.

HESI Preparation Workshop Schedule - Mt. Pleasant Campus | CLAB 250

  • 9am - Noon Monday, April 7 - English
  • 10am - 1pm Friday, April 11 - Math
  • Noon - 3pm Friday, April 18 - Science