Elementary Education

You enjoy lighting the spark of knowledge in children, and watching them grow emotionally and intellectually. Teaching involves managing the classroom, planning engaging lessons, and embracing the needs of each individual student. If you're considering this pathway, helping young students learn to love learning is your passion.
Our Elementary Education Transfer Degree now aligns with Central Michigan University's Bachelor of Science in Education Degree. What does this mean? It means your credits will seamlessly transfer to CMU's program that certifies you to teach Pre-K through 6th grade. In fact, you'll be able to transfer 60-64 credits directly to CMU.
Associate in Arts Degree - Elementary Education Transfer
Elementary Education Transfer - Guided Pathway
These are just a few examples, many other careers are connected to this field of study. Additional education or training may be required for certain career choices.
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development, HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!
"I want to thank Mid Michigan College for providing me with an excellent education experience. While on campus, I found the faculty to be professional and very caring. The foundations that were laid at Mid allowed me to achieve great success in my life and career."
- Dr. Graham Sweeney, Superintendent at Boles ISD in Quinlan, Texas
Superintendent of the Year 2010
Dr. Sweeney went on to complete his education at Central Michigan University and Texas A&M. He then took one of Texas' poorest school districts to one of the highest rated and increased enrollment from 152 to over 530 students today. He continues as the superintendent today.
*Data sourced from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and valid 2016 through 2026.