Conservation Officer

You care deeply about nature, enjoy being outside, and believe natural resources and the people who enjoy them should feel safe and secure.
As a Conservation Officer student, you can also apply to become an Expedition Hunting & Angling Scholar, which provides you with in the woods and on the water courses, adventures, and connections to enhance your education and expand your opportunities.
As an organization Mid Michigan College has a history of being committed to and supporting outdoor traditions. This has allowed exceptional connections to develop with leaders throughout the outdoor industry, which will allow you to experience a rich, diverse, and dynamic outdoor-focused education, whether transfer-focused or career-ready.
Mid offers a wide range of courses across several delivery methods. From on-campus to online and options that let you choose how to attend each course session, you can attend in ways that match your learning style and your busy schedule.
Mid’s Conservation Officer Pathway prepares you to successfully enter an approved conservation officer academy.
This pathway is approved to transfer to Delta College and Kirtland Community College’s Police Academies, as well as numerous others across the State. You will learn the fundamentals necessary to protect and serve as a conservation officer. Upon completion of the academy portion of your training, Mid will award you 16 additional credits and your associate degree.
Expedition Scholars participate in experiential learning activities outside of their academic pathway to enhance their education and make connections with industry leaders in their chosen fields of study. Scholars are selected through an application process, and may also receive scholarships to support their success.
In collaboration with Rusted Rooster Media, a nationally known and award-winning outdoor production company, and other partners, scholars will learn what it takes to excel in a variety of outdoor-related careers, strategies from experts in the field, and how to apply their new skills gained from participating in outdoor adventures like salmon fishing, turkey hunting, and more. Learn more about becoming a scholar today!
During my time as an Expedition Hunting and Angling Scholar at Mid, I was able to enroll in outdoor-focused coursework, attend outdoor-related events, and experience adventures. The Outdoor Media Transfer Pathway connected me with industry professionals and current conservation officers that increased my chances of being selected as a Conservation Officer Candidate. I have since been offered and accepted the role of candidate and am currently in the Conservation Officer Academy.
—Marc, Mid Student
I am an instructor at Mid Michigan College for outdoor-related pathways and I'm also involved with the Expedition Hunting & Angling Scholars (HAS). As a Michigan Conservation Officer, I see the benefits of an outdoor-focused education and the immersive experiences available through HAS. Both of these opportunities provide students with practical skills and knowledge related to hunting, fishing, and the outdoors, which will help them become intuitive outdoor storytellers, conservation officers, or outdoor entrepreneurs.
—Daniel Robinson