Imagine Completing 1 to 2 Years of College While in High School! It's possible through dual enrollment. In fact, over 1,300 high school students earn Mid Michigan College credits each year.

over 1341 dual enrolled students according to 2021-2022 data

Dual enrollment, taking college courses while still in high school, allows students to get a jump start on their college careers and equips them for college success.

And families save money on college costs, because school districts usually pay the tuition and fees for dual enrollees. Each high school is different in terms of whether it covers most or all of the costs. Check with your guidance counselor to find out how to get started in classes at Mid.

Mid credits go with you, because we participate in many transfer agreements that ensure that our courses count at universities and colleges across the state and country. No matter where you want to end up, Mid courses can be a part of your journey. Our staff can help you select courses that will work for your goals, ensuring that you don't waste credits.

Or join the workforce faster by completing a large portion of one of our career-entry degrees while you're in high school, because our tech/trade and occupational programs allow for career entry in one to two years.

Apply Now!

Mid's online application is fast, simple, and FREE. 

Meet your Mid Mentor!

Breanna Johnson - Mid MentorK-12 Mid Mentor

Phone (989) 386-6622 x233









Kasey Olivares - Mid MentorK-12 Mid Mentor

Phone (989) 773-6622 x236









Logan hangs out on the Mt. Pleasant Campus.
“Mid really set me up for success. It gave me a great start, and I couldn’t be more thankful.”

- Logan

Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Opportunties

Dual/Concurrent enrollment, taking college courses while still in high school, allows students to take Mid Michigan College courses on campus, online, or at their high school.

Specifically, Concurrent Enrollment refers to a Mid Michigan College course that is taught by a high school teacher, who has followed the Mid employment processes, met the Mid adjunct instructor qualifications, and teaches at the high school location.

Early Colleges are partnerships between a college and high school or intermediate school district that allow high school students to graduate with both their high school diploma and an associate degree (or 60 transferable college credits). These programs receive State of Michigan designations, recognizing the Early College as a 5-year, state-funded entity.

Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Basics

High school students who have

  • Met with their high school guidance counselors and those who meet the criteria set by their high school or Intermediate School District. Every school is different.
  • Met Mid’s placement standards for the course(s) that they wish to take. This might include prerequisite requirements or achieving specific scores on standardized or placement tests.
  • Applied to Mid Michigan College.

Courses can be taken at either of Mid's campuses in Mt. Pleasant or Harrison, online, or off-campus at certain high schools.

  • 50+ local high schools partner with Mid to offer dual enrollment options for their students.
  • 1200+ students dual E enrolled in Mid courses.

Students who dual enroll in high school

  • Show increased confidence in their ability to succeed in college.
  • Participate in college at a higher rate than students who did not dual enroll. (NACEP)
  • Persist through at least two years at the college level. (Community College Research Center at Columbia University)
  • Earn a higher GPA in their first year of college than students who did not dual enroll. (NACEP)
  • Accumulate more college credit than those who did not dual enroll. (NACEP)

Dual Students Succeed at Mid

  • About 80% of students who dual enroll at Mid pass their courses with a C or better.
  • Dual Enrolled students have a higher rate of graduation from Mid than those who did not dual enroll.

Other Benefits of Dual Enrolling Include

  • Making the transition between high school and college easier.
  • Allowing students to complete a degree faster.
  • Reducing costs for a college education.
  • Preparing students for college work and reducing the need for developmental coursework.
  • Making more effective use of the senior year in high school.
  • Developing the connection between high school and college curriculum.
  • Raising students' motivations to attend college.
  • Acclimating students to the college environment.

nacep national alliance of concurrent enrollment partnerships accredited program


Mid recently received accreditation from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) for the courses the College offers at local high schools. NACEP works to ensure that college courses taught by high school teachers are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. This accreditation ensures that Mid classes adhere to the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college.

Mid is the first public institution in Michigan to receive this recognition for excellence. Mid course offerings include disciplines such as Political Science, Math, and Biology. Courses are offered at local area high schools including Big Rapids, Farwell, Marlette, Shepherd, and Vassar, among others. Learn more about off-campus locations, courses, and teaching opportunities.

Dual & Concurrent Enrollment

Harrison Campus
Room 104

Mt. Pleasant Campus
CSS 142