We're here to help you build a brighter future.

Ready to apply? Unsure of where to start? Still have questions? No problem!

We can help you apply and connect you with knowledgeable teams across the College who can help answer any specific questions you might have. Choose the student-type that best fits you and reveal your personalized next steps.

Not sure which type of student you'll be? We can help with that!

  • First-Time Students have recently, within the last 3-4 years, graduated from high school.
  • Beginning/Continuing College as an Adult Students typically graduated from high school five or more years ago.
  • Transfer Students have attended another college or university and are transferring to Mid.
  • Guest Students attend full-time at another college or university and take a course or two at Mid.
  • Military Veteran Students are students who have served in the armed forces or are dependents of a military veteran.
  • International Students are students who reside outside of the United States.
  • Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Students are high school students taking college courses.
Harrison Campus

Chris Pellerito

Admissions Representative

(989) 386-6660
(989) 418-4578

Mt. Pleasant Campus

Halle Conroy

Admissions Representative

(989) 773-6622 x628
(989) 444-5695